Friday, September 5, 2008

Conventions Again: The Brief Version

I watched yet another national political party convention tonight. The Republican convention staring John McCain and Tina Fay. I hear this McCain character's something of a maverick. And a war hero to boot. Why doesn't anyone talk more about this?

Once again I decided to alternate between CNN and Fox News to compare coverage and once again I must reiterate that these comparisons are neither standardized nor scientific, but simply what I saw whenever I changed the channel which was roughly whenever I felt like it. It seemed that format wise both were as they were previously. CNN had a large contingent at the convention itself and presented the convention in essentially the same manner and style. The commentators for their part also discussed things in the same way as before. They did seem a bit snarky at times, especially in the beginning, but this seemed to give way some after McCain himself arrived. Fox News likewise was much as before the main exceptions being that Sean Hannity of Hannity and Colmes was noticeably quieter in the beginning and the network, for whatever reason, decided to have its own host of reporters inside the convention itself for this go around as well. They had mostly pleasant things to say. Lastly, both stations forgot to mention Obama's full name this time around. Barak Hussein Obama. How else are we going to differentiate him from the other Barak Ombamas?

Oh and instead of an endless stream of fireworks the Republicans had an endless sea of balloons. I hear the Libertarians had an extensive network of fog machines. The Green Party, for what it's worth, could only afford a few canisters of silly string.

The conventions themselves aside I was once again pleased. This year is a good year to be a voter.

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