Thursday, May 7, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different

The car! The car! It is here! And it...



After a prolonged stay at the port where it took two weeks to change out four tires -- and likely retrieve 40 lbs of hashish from the wheel wells who knows -- my car has finally arrived. Without a bike rack -- the one extra aside from the "hot chocolate" paint job that I paid for -- but it has arrived nevertheless. And let me tell you, friends, it's pretty great. Driving out in the open air is the only way to drive. It's the way God intended it. Now it's the way it will always be. At least until the day the complicated, convoluted electrical wiring keeping the whole thing together goes haywire as all expensive technology is destined to do. Till that day, however, I will drive a little happier and a little sweatier. Sweet.

The coolest feature, though, was one I was entirely unaware of: the colored light palate. With the flick of a switch the in-cab lights rotate through an array of assorted colors from orange to red to purple to blue to green. The lights are all fairly small, mind you, and you can only really appreciate it at night in the country with a new moon, but I will still say it is rad. Radical even.

I will miss truck, though. Truck's been good to me, and aside from the jettisoning of it's passenger side mirror a while back it has held strong. Truck, if you're out there, reading this, I miss you man. You stay safe now you hear.

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