Friday, April 12, 2013

Dedicated to Dedicating

National Jewish is dedicated. Both in the sense that its healthcare personnel are dedicated to patient care and in the more literal sense, that everything is dedicated by someone to something. Everything.

Got too many awards? Put 'em on a plaque. Got too many award plaques? Put them in a stack on the wall. 

The last plaque is the award for the faculty member with the most awards.

Stack of plaques still insufficient? Use them as wallpaper.

If you rearrange the plaques into the correct order a secret passage opens up. Leading to a room with more plaques.

Of course it's not all just about the plaques at NJH. They've also got dedicated bricks.

Dedicated bricks are just like dedicated plaques, but with more Old World charm.

And dedicated bricks with plaques.

The greatest honor is getting a brick made out of plaques.

Since apparently one can run out of bricks to dedicate there's always plant life and local fauna.

The best woody shrubs are always dedicated first.

Dig donors don't trifle with pea gravel and compost, though. They go straight to dedicating buildings. Unfortunately buildings tend to run out pretty fast. So why not dedicate... parts of buildings?

Best damn vital signs room in the country.
I guess one should look at all the dedications and memorials as a sign of people's trust in the institution to use their resources wisely and for the benefit of future generations, and less as some over the top onstentatious display or kickback to the plaque-making industry. NJH certainly does good work. It is a little distracting, though. And just a little ridiculous.

"I dedicate this picture in the name of Mars. Ooh isn't that lovely?"

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