Monday, November 23, 2009

My Nation Calls

Today I gave my yearly urine sample for the standard military drug screen. In light of past years difficulties I actively prehydrated. And then prehydrated some more. After an unreasonably long period of time I was finally able to give them what they wanted, and I've never stopped peeing since. I am not sure how much water I drank exactly, but I believe it would be measured in buckets. Or perhaps barrels if we were talking small barrels. I anticipate the urine flow to taper off sometime in early December assuming I don't slip into a hyponatremic coma first. Until next year.

In other news they built an IHOP underneath my apartment. Stay classy, San Antonio.

(And bring me a donut shop...)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Corn Activities

A few weeks ago we went to a corn maze -- excuse me, maize maze -- and it was... fun? What to say about a labyrinth of produce? Is corn truly a vegetable? Thanks to a handful of flashlights and an excess of clues it was not terribly difficult or very scary. The kettle corn was delicious, however, and they did have a corn cannon with which to shoot corns out of. All in all it took about 45 minutes to complete and after eating a little more corn we went home.

Here's a picture of this year's corntacular challenge!