Monday, November 29, 2010

The Greatest Song Ever Forever

I like music. Not like some people who like music. Not in the sense that I feel I need to collect random and obscure band names and titles as if they were Pokemon or froth at the mouth in defense of why my arbitrarily best music genre is better than your arbitarily best music genre. Aside from a firm belief in the universal distaste for jazz, music is relative and we all like what we like. I like music because of the way it can move and speak to you in ways that regular speech cannot carry, and many songs can do this in different settings, under different conditions, for different people. I guess that's part of why it is so transcendent. There is one exception, though, and that is the greatest song ever forever.

O Holy Night by Jewel. I do not say this because it's Christmas time and I just happen to be listening to Christmas music -- I admittedly listen to this song in the 100 degree sunshine of spring, summer, and fall just as often -- and I do not say this because I think Jewel is one hot mamma jamma -- though she is -- but because the lines are so stirringly written, the words are so beautifully sung, and the story so elegantly told. It is a song that, no matter what I am doing or where I am doing it, I cannot help but pause and take in. It is a song that has the unique ability to transcend us and our situation. Not a whole lot that can do that. And that's why I give it this year's first and only award for Greatest Song Ever Forever. First runner up? Ninja Rap by Vanilla Ice. Go buy your copies now!