Friday, December 31, 2021

The Gift That Keeps On Giving Till It Kills You 11 & 12

Months eleven and twelve kind of got past me. Now it's month thirteen, and I have no more ice cream coming to me. Plenty of ice cream still in the freezer, but no more on the way. As I reflect on the final months and experience altogether I will say I am thankful I got to try all the (mostly) tasty and (absolutely) creative flavors, and I am very grateful it's all over. The final two months had some weirdo flavors, some also-rans, and some of my top 5 picks for the year. I'm very grateful for the very kind gift my brother and sister-in-law provided me and Liz (and our vegan friends), and it's definitely a gift we will be remembering and likely talking about for a very long time. Now I just need to find where I can get some more butter ice cream....

- Jack o'Lantern Pumpkin Bread

Scott: I vaguely remember trying this. I do not remember what it tasted like.


Liz: Yeah, it wasn't bad, but wasn't a standout.



- The Great Candycopia

Scott: Like a Skor bar, but better. And I like Skor bars.


Liz: I also Skor bars.



- Creepy Crawly Critters

Scott: I had bugs once. Didn't feel a need to eat them again. Or combine them with matcha.


Liz: So far I have tried a tiny taste of the matcha (good) and avoided the bugs. I'm afraid of the bugs, but not willing to throw out matcha ice cream.



- Double Bubble Toil & Trouble (v)

Scott: Why gum? I do not wish to eat gum.


Liz: Better than I expected for a vegan bubble gum flavor.



- Black Cat Licorice & Lavender

Scott: Creative, tasty, interesting pairing, I would definitely eat it again. When I want to eat black licorice again at least.


Liz: I liked it very much. Enjoyed the licorice reservoirs, but I wish they were more distributed. I liked the lavender base. I knew I liked both of these flavors, but the combo was a pleasant surprise. One of my top picks for the year.



- Caramelized Turkey & Cranberry Sauce

Scott: It's Thanksgiving, but with a lot more cranberry.


Liz: Savory. Peppery. Just not flavors I am looking for in an ice cream. It's not even the meat. The other flavors. I'd rather eat cranberry jelly.

2/10 +1 for bold decision


- Sweet Potato Pie w/ Double Baked Almond Streusel

Scott: I feel like I've eaten this Salt & Straw flavor a half dozen times now.

6 probably/10

Liz: A mellow pumpkin spice.



- Candied Walnut Cheesecake

Scott: Tastes a bit like a bran cereal that just happens to have 400% of your saturated fat for the day.


Liz: It has a sort of funny taste to it. Maybe the bitterness of the walnuts? Also a subtle cheesecake flavor.



- Parker House Rolls with Salted Buttercream

Scott: It's bread and butter. With just the right amount of crumbly biscuit mixed in. And I cannot stop eating it. MORE BUTTER!


Liz: Decent. I liked the chunks of bread, but I didn't have the same passion for it you did.


 - Pumpkin & Gingersnap Pie (v)

Scott: It's pumpkin pie filling.


Liz: One of the best vegan flavors we've had. Pumpkiny. Creamy. 



 The end! Or maybe we'll do a Top 5 Year in Review. Or maybe we'll never eat ice cream again. To be (possibly) continued....