Actually they were much more polite than that. No one gave anyone the bird. I just got an apologetic phone call and a formal letter a few days later. And that was that. I was not going to Oregon Health Science University (OHSU).
By then I had also visited the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCoW) in Milwaukee which, I learned, is not spelled with an "a" after the "l", and received word from Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) that they too would like to invite me out for a quick chance to turn me down. The Milwaukee interview was standard as far as interviews go, and the program was myeh. In short: it was snowy, the people were nice, I flew home. I was going to say I finally saw the Great Lakes, but then I remembered that I had seen them the year before in Toronto. Truly a remarkable experience.
Dartmouth, on the other hand, was something a little different. The obvious name recognition aside, the program had an explicit global health focus in addition to a sound foundation in the infectious disease basics: HIV, wound infections, and beaver bites. They additionally made no apologies for the snow instead boasting of the numerous winter activities you could partake in virtually year round. The staff were similarly friendly, the hospital remarkably modern, and the city was charming in the sense that it was roughly the size of a small truck stop assuming it was a small truck stop run by affluent, well dressed white people. And, to top things off, their anticipated call rotation the next year was once six weekly. Truly a magical place. Both institutions offered me a job.
The next week I signed the dotted line over the phone and began the process of separation from the Air Force culminating in much paper work and even more merrymaking. Of all my three options, OHSU included, I believe I lucked out with Dartmouth as I was only informed of their availability literally a day or two before I was to sign a million dollar, multiseason contract with MCoW. It is the best combination and balance of education, interest, and free time. A place I look forward to going to. Shortly thereafter I got an email from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City -- an institution that had arguably been my number one choice earlier in my search -- stating that they too had spot and were wondering if I wanted to visit for an interview....
God sure gets His jollies in weird ways sometimes.
I just hope that when they dig my body out of the New Hampshire snow hundreds of years from now they find some interesting things in my pockets.
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