Or at least that's the impression that I get. I have yet to see any public executions for those insufficiently free, but I imagine this is only due to my short time in the state. They probably got a special freedom center or freedom days where they due stuff like that. I should probably look at the town's calendar of events or maybe just ask where the guillotine is.
As an imperative it is unfortunate, however, as there's a certain amount of ambiguity to it. Although it is written on all license plates, quarters, most signs, and many times is even shouted mysteriously from the rooftops at night, the command itself is not very specific. I mean how free do I got to be? Are we talking like... super free? Like tree hugging, polyamory, grow my own Quaker oats free? Or is this a different kind of free, more like advocating the abolishment of the wage system free? Or maybe free to take phone calls and text messages at all hours of the day free? Or am I way off and it's just a simple instruction to go commando? In any case it's not clear and lacks a standard. There's got to be a freedometer somewhere. Or at the very least a conversion of freedom from the English to the metric because I'm pretty sure I've got a lot of freedom in kilograms. In the mean time till this is all sorted out I'm just going to make sure I always wear a flag t-shirt under my white coat. Just in case.
Here's a sign warning of the Freedom Master. He apparently shoots liberty snakes out of his motorcycle tires.

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